Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Ledge (2011)

  This movie sucked.

First of all, you all know how I feel about character dramas.  They are not my favorites.  And then to add in a subtext bashing religion under the guise of promoting tolerance and you have lost any possible interest garnered by an impressive cast.

Hollis (Terrance Howard) is struggling to come to terms with a personal crisis when he is called to try and talk down a possible jumper from a high-rise.  Gavin (Charlie Hunnam) tells Hollis that he is being forced to stand there because he had engaged in an affair with a woman (Liv Tyler) and her psychotic religious freak husband (Patrick Wilson) will kill her if Gavin doesn't jump.  Through flashbacks, Gavin reveals that he was so put off by the husband's close-mindedness he decided to "liberate" the wife...with his penis.  For the record, this is how not to win an argument over theology.

I tried to stick it out and made it about half an hour into this movie before I said "fuck it" and started skimming.  I watched enough of it to get the gist and to make sure there was nothing more to it than what I had already seen.  No one should ever watch this.

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