Monday, August 17, 2015

No Cable

I had hoped to have everything up and running by today.  I've accomplished quite a bit already.  I learned how to use a power drill, successfully navigated to two different Home Depots, bought a socket wrench, discovered I have the upper body strength of cooked spaghetti which prevented me from being able to utilize said socket wrench effectively but did not then throw a fit and proceed to smash everything with a hammer.  I sat down, took deep breaths, said "fuck it" and used a crescent wrench for more leverage.  Because I would rather have drilled through my foot than called someone to ask for help.  I managed to get the television in the living room mounted (no small feat, as it is almost the same length I am) and all the components hooked up only to be stymied by an unresponsive cable box.  The earliest I can get a person out to check the wiring is Wednesday.

I feel like someone changed the difficulty rating on my game without telling me.

Typically, me having cable or not wouldn't impact my blogging but I spent so much time on it the last two days that I haven't had time to watch anything else.  I've started Son of Frankenstein but I'm not going to have it finished before midnight tonight and I'm just too tired to stay up.  

You know how I know it's a work of fiction?  Three generations of Frankensteins have managed to create a living creature using a pulley and a thunderstorm, meanwhile four different customer support people can't even get signal to my cable box.  Honestly, it's like I'm living in the 19th century over here.  Up until Saturday, I didn't even have a microwave.  Luckily, a co-worker gave me one before I starved.  Thank God for wifi or I'd start to wonder if I was pioneering on the Oregon Trail.  (And then my whole party died of dysentery.)

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