Sunday, May 5, 2024

Bad Moms (2016)

  This is a terrible unfunny movie that doesn't understand womanhood, much less motherhood, because it was written by two men.

Amy (Mila Kunis) struggles to balance her roles as wife and mother with her part-time but really full-time job.  When her husband (David Walton) gets caught cheating and the PTA president mean girl, Gwendolyn (Christina Applegate), starts harassing her for not participating enough, Amy has had it.  She decides to radically dial back her efforts and take some time for herself, forging friendships with two other equally harried moms (Kristen Bell and Kathryn Hahn).

This movie is so fucking stupid and I think I figured out why.  There are zero consequences to anything.  Because men don't have consequences.  Amy kicks her husband out and starts driving his sports car instead of her minivan (because she is now a Cool Mom) because her part-time job at a coffee co-op covers the mortgage?  And he's definitely not ever going to want his car again?  In fact, he never brings it up.  And he's somehow a deadbeat slacker man-child but instantly ready and reliable enough to take both their kids indefinitely for her second-act nadir?  She immediately starts sleeping with the Hot Widower Dad (which, also, ew) but somehow that's not the same as her cheating husband?  None of the decisions in this movie make any sense unless you treat Amy like a man.  Then they all do.

I'm not going to even discuss the disgusting way the movie treats stay-at-home mom Kiki's emotional abuse as a punchline.  Also shown with zero repercussions when she finally tells her overbearing husband to "stop being a pussy" over childcare.  An act that could put real women in the ER with an excuse about walking into a door.

This movie really wants to be making a point about the emotional labor women do that goes unnoticed but to do that, it would have to remove its head from its own ass and it didn't get approved for that surgery because its male doctor thinks it's just hysteria.  The only halfway decent part is the series of interviews between the main actresses and their actual moms playing over the credits.  That is cute and heartwarming but not nearly worth sitting through the hour and 45 minute runtime.

Christy gave me the digital copy when she bought it so at least I didn't pay any money to see this and by deleting it off my server, I now have some free space for other, better movies.

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