Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Killer Legends (2014)

  You made it through Memorial Day weekend and it's officially summer.  You know what that means:  only five months until Halloween!  In honor of that, here's a documentary about spooky things.  Content warning:  real police crime scene photos, some gore, clowns

Documentarian Joshua Zeman and his partner Rachel Mills explore the real crimes that lie underneath the mythic trappings of some of the most famous urban legends:  the hook-handed man, the killer clown, and the "call is coming from inside the house" babysitter murderer.

The stories are fascinating and as always, real crime is both weirder and more terrifying than fictional crime.  If I have a complaint, it's that the documentarians seem a little ghoulish in their enthusiasm.  There's a breathless quality to their reporting that I don't love.  

But if you're looking for something to whet your appetite for all things horror, this isn't a bad starting place.  It's currently streaming on the Roku Channel.

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