Monday, May 13, 2024

The Apartment (1964)

  Here's another classic "comedy" that has aged like milk.  Content warning:  attempted suicide

C.C. Baxter (Jack Lemmon) is an up-and-comer at Consolidated Life Insurance by virtue of being willing to loan his apartment out to executives and their mistresses.  He has a crush on elevator operator Fran Kubelik (Shirley MacLaine) but doesn't know that she has been seeing his boss, Mr. Sheldrake (Fred McMurray).

There are parts of this that are clearly set up to be funny.  They just don't make it anywhere close.  

Every man in this movie is disgusting, yes, including Baxter.  (I will give Dr. Dreyfuss a pass based on no incriminating evidence but he's on thin fucking ice.)  The executives treat their female co-workers like their own private safari, gleefully patting themselves on the back for their supposed conquests.  Baxter lies with every breath, and continues to carry water for these predators even after a woman nearly dies.

This is basically Sexual Harassment: The Movie.  Not a fan.  It's currently streaming on Criterion.  Watch something else.

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