Saturday, May 25, 2024

Vanilla Sky (2001)

  I remember this being on some lists?  Maybe?  I don't know.  I have no idea why I added it to my queue.  It's not good.

David (Tom Cruise) is a publishing magnate by virtue of having a rich dead dad, and even though he has everything he could ever want, it's not enough.  So when his best friend (Jason Lee) brings a hot new girl (Penelope Cruz) to David's birthday party, David goes out of his way to hit on her.  Sofia is a dancer, bright and beautiful, and over the course of one evening, David convinces himself that she might be The One.  Unfortunately, he failed to run that by his supermodel fuck buddy, Julianna (Cameron Diaz), who is not pleased and also really doesn't like that David refers to her as a fuck buddy to his friends.  Well, friend.  Well, toady that depends on his good graces to make a living.  And for once in his privileged existence, David is going to face some consequences.

Just kidding.  Can you imagine?  LOLOL

This whole film is about how far one rich dude will go to not feel a single thing that might be uncomfortable.  It has a major third-act twist, so I'm not going to spoil it but you've seen better, I assure you.  This is an American remake of an Amenábar film called Abre Los Ojos, which is supposed to be better.

The weirdest part is how uncanny valley Tom Cruise looks when he's not wearing the featureless latex mask.  In a movie that tries so hard to be surrealist horror, all they had to do was keep the camera rolling on him.  Christian Bale very famously said that he based his American Psycho performance on footage of a Tom Cruise interview and never have I believed that more than watching this.  Deeply cursed.

It's streaming on Paramount+.  I'd say skip it, but if you're feeling brave about having a blank-eyed Scientologist stare through your soul, keep an eye out for Michael Shannon and Johnny Galecki in bit parts.

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