Monday, May 6, 2024

Funny Games (1997)

  Leave it to the Germans to weaponize politeness.  Content warning:  child death (off-screen), animal death (off-screen), mild gore, bullshit deus ex machina shenanigans

A family looking forward to a week at their lake house are terrorized by a pair of unnamed psychos.

This is supposed to be one of the Big Bads of French/German horror.  You will find glowing reviews calling it "blood-curdling", "terrifying", and suchlike.  But not here, baby!  

Don't get me wrong.  It starts off okay, ramping up the tension as the family slowly realizes that they are in serious trouble.  But then it stalls out for like 40 of the most boring minutes in the history of film.  And the last ten minutes are a smug, condescending, cheap cop-out.  I'm not going to spoil the twist, but know that I hated it.

This isn't as good as You're Next or even The Strangers.  But a lot of people who aren't me liked it a whole bunch so maybe you will too.  It's streaming on (sigh) Max and the Criterion Channel.  There's a shot-for-shot American remake if you don't feel like reading subtitles.

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