Sunday, August 11, 2024

Batman Returns (1991)

  This remains one of the best Batman movies of all time.  Let's say it was a formative experience for Baby Me.  Content warning:  clowns, attempted infanticide

Oswald Cobblepot (Danny DeVito) rises from the sewers as The Penguin and Gotham  department store magnate Max Shreck (Christopher Walken) sees an opportunity to challenge the current mayor (Michael Murphy) for control of the city.  Cobblepot has his own agenda but is flattered by the attention from normal citizens.  Meanwhile, Shreck's overworked, underpaid secretary Selina Kyle (Michelle Pfeiffer) awakens from her attempted murder with a good deal fewer reservations than she had previously, unlocking a dangerous alter ego.  With multiple villains running around, how will Batman (Michael Keaton) prioritize?

It's funny how this could have been super-dated but instead turns out to be insanely relevant with billionaires attempting to buy elected officials in order to continue exploiting the environment and people to enrich themselves further in the stupidest possible way.  And committing violence against women.  Love this timeline.

Anyway, this movie is a stone-cold classic and a Christmas film!  Very jolly!  You should own it.  But it is streaming on (sigh) Max which is almost as good.

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