Saturday, August 10, 2024

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007)

  Hey, look, a non-animated family-friendly post!

Mr. Magorium (Dustin Hoffman) has brought joy and toys to children for over two hundred years but now it is time to pass his magical toy store to his chosen successor, Molly (Natalie Portman).  Molly feels utterly crushed by the pressure of following his footsteps and resists, causing the toy store to lose its magic.

This has way too A-list a cast to be this bland but here we are.  It's bright and colorful and sugary and will dissipate on your brain like cotton candy, leaving not a single trace behind.  Sometimes that's all you want.  

It's only available for rent and for me, it wasn't worth it.  There are better versions of this story out there.

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