Monday, August 26, 2024

Raising Arizona (1987)

  It's a Coen Brothers weekend, apparently.  

A childless couple decide to steal a baby from a family with quintuplets, setting off a state-wide manhunt and a number of hare-brained ransom schemes.  

Everyone involved in this is so young.  Nicolas Cage is awkward and gangly!  Holly Hunter has baby cheeks!  John Goodman's face is so smooth with no laugh-lines!  

Plot-wise, it's fine.  I didn't find it funny but I kind of didn't expect to, given my recent experiences.  There's a lot of screaming.  It's considered a beloved comedy classic and if it is for you, that's great.  It did not change my mind about the Coens.  It's currently streaming on Hulu/Disney+.

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