Monday, August 12, 2024

The Treatment (2014)

  This movie is really gross, which is a label I generally don't apply, but somehow also really boring.  Content warning:  CSA, blood, urine

Belgian police officer Nick Cafmeyer (Geert Van Rampleberg) specializes in searching for missing children because he is haunted by the childhood abduction of his brother.  A new case involving an entire family that's been brutalized in their home leads to a deeper conspiracy with wide-ranging implications for him.

This reminds me a lot of Big Bad Wolves (derogatory).  Except way more disgusting.  Again, billed as a horror movie when it's really more of a psychological thriller.  If this is your bag, fine.  I think there are better ones.  But I also have a pet peeve about people who suck at their jobs.  And man, does this guy suck.  Maybe that hightens the realism for you.  It just made me annoyed.  Ooh, you know what?  This gave me the exact same feeling as that shitty Henry Cavill movie Night Hunter.  Except this one came first, so clearly they're both ripping off Big Bad Wolves.

Anyway, The Treatment is streaming on the Roku Channel.  Watch something else.

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