Saturday, August 3, 2024

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

  I am actually out of town this weekend and have successfully managed to prep posts to tide you over until I return!  Like a real adult!  Content warning:  animal death (monkey), melting Nazis

Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr. (Harrison Ford) is constantly looking for funding to finance his archaeological expeditions, although his involve a great deal more (rightfully) angry natives and poison darts than camel-hair brushes and potsherds.  As luck would have it, Indy is approached by the deep pockets of Uncle Sam himself.  The U.S. government has gotten wind that Adolf Hitler is looking for the fabled Ark of the Covenant in the sands of Egypt and by God, they are going to get it first.  The foremost expert on the Ark is Indy's former mentor but he's missing so Indy tracks to Nepal to find his daughter, Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen), who has an artifact to help locate the Ark.  Adventure ensues!  There's digging!  Sand!  Inexplicable snakes!  Nazis!  Lore!  More sand!

This movie is exactly like having adventures as a kid using all your toys.  "And now they're on a submarine!  Why?  Because I have a submarine!"  It is the best, especially if you can let go of trying to do a close read of it and just let it wash over you.  It is basically the Ur-text of an action movie, the blueprint against which all successors must be measured.  Does it hew a little closer to its 1930s mindset that is strictly comfortable in this century?  Sure.  But at its heart, it's not trying to belittle or hurt anyone.  It's here to entertain.  

You should own this but I'm pretty sure it's streaming on Disney+.

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