Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Initiation (1984)  Lately, I've been interested in trolling some of the more obscure corners of the film world.  Not Pretentious Obscure, like student films or art house crap that screened once at a film festival, but Random Obscure, like Daphne Zuniga's feature debut.

Kelly (Daphne Zuniga) is an affluent pledge to Delta Rho Chi in Texas.  The girl in charge of pledges, Megan (Frances Peterson) is a total bitch who has decided that the Pledge Prank will be to have the girls break into Kelly's father's department store and coax the security guard out of his uniform.  Kelly is also under the supervision of her hot TA (James Read) to help her analyze her recurring nightmare of witnessing a man burning to death.  When her mother (Vera Miles) finds out, she orders Kelly to stop seeing Peter.  Meanwhile, a killer has escaped from a mental institution and is going after everyone associated with Kelly.  With all this going on, Kelly is totally going to fail this semester.

I always think it's extra sad when someone iconic ends their career doing schlock.  Vera Miles was in Psycho, for God's sake.  What the fuck is she doing here, in B-movie hell?  In contrast, Daphne Zuniga isn't all that bad here.  She is young, playing a girl who is young, and all she really has to do is run around a lot. Besides, it's her first movie.

It's a standard horror film that plays within the established genre rules.  If you deviate from established social mores, you die.  Philandering husband?  Dead.  Topless co-ed?  Dead.  I suppose it could be a good time if you're in the mood for something kind of shitty, MST3K-style, but otherwise, let this one slink back to the dark where it belongs.

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