Sunday, December 29, 2013

More TV

So this is one of those confluence of events where I don't have any actual movies that I've watched recently, just lots and lots of TV.  I've made my way through four seasons of Burn Notice so far.  Right now, I'm on disc 2 of season 5.  It would be going a lot faster but these are new episodes to me.  Apparently, I stopped watching the show live around halfway through season four and only saw intermittent episodes after that.  So now I have to actually watch them.  This ties up about four hours at a time per disc. 

I was doing good with Netflix but the top of my queue is now loaded with volume one of the Looney Tunes collection.  The good news is every episode on that disc is solid gold.  The bad news is that it does take up some movie spots.  What are you going to do, though?  Pass up classic Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck?  I think not.

All is not lost, however.  Yesterday, I wrapped up season one of Fringe so now I can at least move on with that medium.  This was a show with a rabid fanbase, but one I blew off after the pilot aired.  I was mad about all the comparisons to The X-Files and did not feel that Fringe was a worthy successor.  But I made myself give it another shot and it sort of grew on me.  Not enough that I would consider owning it, but enough to stop hissing if it's mentioned in public. 

I always feel like I'm letting you guys (the collective internet, really) down when I have one of these posts instead of a real one.  It's a poor substitute, I know, but it's better than radio silence.  Think of it as a promissory note:  movie reviews are coming!  Just not right this second.

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