Saturday, October 1, 2016

Opportunity Knocks (1990)

Opportunity knocks.jpg  This movie was so awful I can't believe I wasted my precious leisure time on it.  Seriously, it is basically the exact same film as Down and Out in Beverly Hills except with a cheaper cast.

Eddie (Dana Carvey) is a con man on the run from a gangster (James Tolkan) after a prank has unintended consequences.  He holes up in a ritzy neighborhood with an empty house and is mistaken the next morning for the house sitter, who had decided not to show up, by the homeowner's parents (Robert Loggia and Doris Belack).  Believing this is their son's college friend, they invite Eddie into their upper class lives and encourage him to date their daughter (Julia Campbell).  Eddie soon decides that his original plan to con them isn't what he wants but it's too late to back out now.

Honestly, in another life Dana Carvey could have been a leading man.  But this is the 90s and it's awful.  His brand of mimicry falls completely flat in a narrative, the story is insipid and derivative, and it's not worth anyone's time to dredge this up from obscurity.  Carvey went on to have an extremely successful career and this can just be seen as a minor interruption in that journey.

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