Wednesday, October 9, 2019

We Heart Horror - Day 9: We Are What We Are (2013)

I'm having some technical difficulties right now because my computer decided to update and take forever so I'm on a borrowed laptop.  I'll get the poster up tomorrow.  

No, this isn't a repost.  This is the American version of the Mexican cannibal movie I watched last week.  Turns out the American version is streaming on Amazon so all your cannibal-watching desires could be fulfilled.  There are some striking differences but we'll get to them in a minute.

After their mother (Kassie Wesley DePaiva) dies, teenage girls Iris (Julia Garner) and Rose (Ambyr Childers) are left to bear responsibility for "Lamb's Day" where the family ritually kills and eats someone.  The town doctor (Michael Parks) is suspicious when boiled bones wash up in his creek and begins to pressure the local deputy (Wyatt Russell) to trace them back to their source.

Aside from the gender swaps of the surviving parent from female to male, and the swaps from male to female for the two oldest children, this remake takes the action from an urban environment to a rural one, adds an unnecessary backstory about cannibals in the frontier days, and draaaaaags out the conclusion.  Where the original ran for a lean 89 minutes, this clocks in at just under two hours and really doesn't add anything in that time.

It's got higher production values, nicer costumes, and Kelly McGillis but if you want a true thrill, skip it and stick with the original.

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