Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hundra (1983)

  Crap!  I forgot to post this yesterday!  Oops! 
Men are disgusting pigs.  This is billed as "the female Conan the Barbarian", which is bullshit anyway because everyone knows that Red Sonja is the female Conan, but it basically reads as a playbook of male fantasies.

Hundra is one of a tribe of women who have eschewed the company of men to live as nomads, only venturing into society when they need to propagate and giving away all subsequent male children.  You know, your typical Amazon myth.  Well, they all get slaughtered except for Hundra who was out hunting.  So she seeks out their elder, living in retirement someplace warm (we'll call it Arizona), who tells her she now has to breed the tribe back into existence.

Despite her quite natural reluctance to do this, Hundra goes looking for a baby daddy in order to give her life meaning.  I think I just set feminism back 50 years by typing that.  Anyway, she wanders into a city where everybody worships a bull and the local temple culls the attractive women to serve as sex slaves to the various tribal chieftains after some re-education in womanly arts like applying make-up and not wearing underwear.  Hundra refuses to submit until she sees a nice doctor (/eye twitch) who is put off by her barbaric ways, then she readily surrenders so she can learn enough to seduce him and get herself knocked up.

I am offended and disgusted and yet, I can't stop laughing.  It's just so cliche.  Even for exploitative action fantasy.  The director, Matt Cimber, raised trashy to a whole new level.  And, according to IMDB's bio of him, Quentin Tarantino lists this as one of his favorite films, which explains soooooo much.

Definitely one for the so-bad-it's-good files, possibly under the "Only See While Drinking" tab.

1 comment:

  1. Dude,I laughed so hard when I read this, that now I HAVE to see it! ROFL! ....and that's what's so sad....
