Saturday, May 14, 2011

La Femme Nikita (1990)

I really wanted to like this movie.  You have no idea.  Last night marks the third time I have sat down with the intention of liking this movie.

I just can't do it.

"But, Lucy, it's a classic," you say.  I know.
"You love assassin movies, especially ones that have a female lead."  I know!
"Plus, it's foreign.  French, no less.  You love the French."  I KNOW! 

This movie should be like catnip for me.  Hence the three attempts at watching it.  I don't know why, I just don't like it. 

Maybe I can't get past Anne Parillaud.  I didn't like her as a vampire and I don't like her here.  Her voice grates on my nerves and I just don't believe that she's a 20-year-old ex-junkie.  I also don't think she's that pretty, so there goes the sex appeal factor.  Plus, she cries a lot and that annoys me. 

Maybe I should give the American remake Point of No Return a shot, even though I don't really like Bridget Fonda.  Or I can say fuck it, and wait for Zoe Saldana in Colombiana which is coming out in a couple of months.  Decisions, decisions.

1 comment:

  1. I personally recommend seeing "Leon: The Professional" starring Jean Reno and Natalie Portman. Directed by Luc Besson.
