Saturday, October 29, 2011

Resident Evil (2002)

  It's almost Halloween, you guys!  That's one of my top three days of the year (the other two are my birthday and Christmas).  It's a time where we can dress up and pretend to be anybody we want to be and strangers give us candy!  Or booze, if you're an adult!

It's also the time where we watch old horror movies and giggle at how freaked out people get over a few ghosts or vampires, or zombies.  I remember seeing this in theaters, way back when.  Despite Afterlife being such a wall of suck, I think this is one of the better horror franchises of our time.

Alice (Milla Jovovich) wakes up in a shower with no memory.  A special ops team breaks into her house to tell her that she is a security operative for the Umbrella Corporation and that her mansion is actually an emergency entrance to the Hive, an underground research facility run by an AI called the Red Queen.  5 hours previously, Red Queen went rogue and killed everyone in the Hive.  Now, Alice, the team, and a cop whose sister worked in the Hive, must reopen it, reboot the Queen, and find out what the hell is going on down there.

Here's a hint:  it's zombies.  Lots and lots of zombies.

My absolute favorite part of the film is when Alice suddenly realizes she's a total badass.  You know the part I mean.  She's wandering off by herself (never a smart move in a horror movie, kids) and gets chased by a zombie doberman into a lab.  A zombie guard surprises her and she unleashes a storm of ass-kicking on him.  Then she lays waste to a pack of zombie dogs (animal abuse is never okay...unless they're zombies) and goes on to save...well, just herself, really.  Everyone else kind of dies.

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