Monday, July 11, 2016

The Secret Life of Pets (2016)

  I haven't been very impressed with this year's selection of animated films.  The nicest thing I can say about this one is that it was okay.

Max (Louis C.K.) is less than thrilled when his beloved owner brings home a new stray.  Duke (Eric Stonestreet) is big and obnoxious but is absolutely determined not to be forced out.  While at the dog park, Duke and Max get separated from the others and wind up being picked up by Animal Control.  They are then rescued by a psychotic rabbit named Snowball (Kevin Hart) who wants all the abandoned pets to revolt and kill their human masters.  Meanwhile, Max's friend Gidget (Jenny Slate) gathers all the pets to search New York City for the missing dogs.

It's a cute movie.  There's nothing surprising about it or really memorable but it's watchable.  I'm guessing it has a low replay value, however.  All of the really cute introductory moments with the animals were in the trailers.  I was hoping this would be the breakout hit for me after Zootopia was so disappointing but that does not appear to be the case.


  1. What? No horrific children running around? So sad. I was looking forward to another hilarious rant...

    1. Not this time! Everyone was well-behaved. Cheer up, though. I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities for me to froth at the mouth with rage.
