Sunday, October 9, 2011

16 Blocks (2006)

  This wasn't a bad movie.  I missed it when it originally came out, probably because it didn't look interesting, but it doesn't suck.  I even remember where I was when it was in theaters, because Slither came out the same year and I saw it with my roommate, Bri. 

Anyway, it stars Mos Def as a petty thief turned witness, Bruce Willis as the grizzled old cop who's supposed to get him to the courthouse, and David Morse as the crooked cop who's trying to kill them both.  That's pretty much the entire plot right there.  It's well-paced, though, with enough action to keep you interested.  I like Mos Def as an actor, though I prefer his more humorous roles, and Bruce Willis is strongest when he's playing a cop.  David Morse makes an excellent bad guy (though you wouldn't know it from the third season of House where he was completely wasted) and generally all the roles are well-acted.

Except for the video release of Superman II, this is the last film Richard Donner has directed, and at 81, probably the last he ever will.  That ends his career with a bit of a fizzle, but when you've directed The Omen, Superman, the Lethal Weapon series, and The Goonies I think you can probably rest assured that your legacy will be fine.

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