Saturday, January 21, 2012

Apollo 18 (2011)

  I don't know why Rob owns movies.  Seriously.  He got this one and told me to please watch it while he was asleep because stuff like this freaked him out.  Well...then...why own it?  Baffling man.

Anyway, this is one of those "found footage" types that tries way too hard to be Alien meets The Blair Witch Project.  It's not particularly good and I can now understand why put it on their list of Worst Movies of 2011.  Honestly, I had forgotten it was even made until Rob mentioned it.

The Apollo moon missions after 17 were cancelled due to budget reasons but three astronauts receive secret DoD (Department of Defense) orders that Apollo 18 is a go.  Their families are told that they are going on training missions but they're really going to the moon.  Once there, a guy is left in the space shuttle and the other two go down to the moon's surface.  They are there to plant cameras all over the moon but stumble across an abandoned Soviet landing module.  They go inside and discover that it is completely trashed and that the lone astronaut is dead in a nearby crater.  Also, their camera equipment fritzes a lot.  Freaked out, the two guys continue with their mission while their flag is stolen and tracks are left around their equipment.  Then the leader gets attacked from inside his space suit and develops some sort of alien disease.  The remaining healthy astronaut has to figure out a way to get off the surface of the moon alive.


Do you remember when Jack Sparrow was hallucinating at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean:  At World's End?  He was basically in Hell killing himself over and over when the rocks turned into crabs?  That's what's on the moon.  Rock crab aliens that give you the Hanta virus.  It's not scary.


I am not a fan of the fake handy-cam stuff.  I'm especially not a fan of static, which this movie seems to confuse for dramatic tension.  Utterly not worth watching.

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