Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Fearless Avenger (1972)

Or in Japanese:  Mushukunin mikogami no jokichi:  Kawakaze ni kako wa nagarata

Wow.    This one picks up exactly where Trail of Blood left off, with Jokichi getting the snot kicked out of him by yakuza goons.  They smash two of the fingers from his left hand as payment for the insult he gave them and then he leaves to go back home where he finds the dead bodies of his wife and son.

Okay.  So then he tracks down one of the henchmen and finds out who was behind the killing.  He sets off to find and kill the bosses and tracks them to a memorial for some dead guy.  I probably should have been paying more attention but I was prepping a new cross-stitch.  My bad.  Anyway, Jokichi tries to call out Chogoro but the other ten bosses at the table don't take too kindly to this.  It's about to be a very short movie when one of the bosses, "Thunder", stops the others from turning our hero into a tasteful red smear on the zen garden.  Dejected, Jokichi recuperates and then sets off once more to try and catch this cat, Chogoro.  Yet another boss offers him a super-easy gig for some quick cash:  take Thunder's runaway daughter back home to her daddy.  You can guess what happens next.

No, they don't sleep together.  Perverts.

Yes, she dies.  Yes, it was Chogoro's men.  Yes, Jokichi goes apeshit.  It's awesome in that 70's exploitation kind of way.

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