Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Escapist (2008)

  Apparently, there were a lot of movies I didn't see in 2008.  I know, I know, there are a lot of movies I've never seen ever but it struck me recently how many seem to be from 2008 and I have no recollection of them.  This one I can kind of excuse since it was a foreign film that didn't get a wide US release in theaters.  But whatever, that's what Netflix is for. 

Frank Perry (Brian Cox) is serving a life sentence when he gets a letter informing him that his daughter is a junkie and OD'd twice.  She is on death's door.  He decides immediately to break out of prison to get to her.  For help, he goes to his friend Brodie (Liam Cunningham) and a career thief Lenny Drake (Joseph Fiennes).  Not only must they navigate out of prison, they have to do it without raising the suspicion of the kingpin, Rizza (Damian Lewis).

The movie is done in a series of flashbacks detailing the planning during the actual escape.  It was well made and well-acted.  It was kind of nice seeing Damian Lewis playing the bad guy, although he didn't have a huge part.  I'm a big fan of that guy and I would have liked to see more of him.

Also, just as a side note:  how come they can have early-50s Brian Cox naked in the shower but not hot ginger Damian Lewis?  Seriously?  It's just not fair.

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