Sunday, December 4, 2011

Seabiscuit (2003)

  Daaaaaaw!  Happy movies!

Set during and just after the Great Depression, the movie follows three men trying to pick up the pieces of their lives.  Charles Howard (Jeff Bridges) was a car salesman reeling from the death of his child.  On a trip to Mexico, he meets a beautiful woman (Elizabeth Banks) who gets him interested in horse racing.  He also meets Tom (Chris Cooper), an out-of-work cowboy with a gift for horse training.  Tom manages to find Seabiscuit, a colt that had become bitter and unmanageable after being trained to lose races in order to build up other horses' confidences, and Red Pollard (Tobey Maguire) a too-tall jockey with an attitude problem.  Together, this team takes a small, wheezing colt and turns him into a racing legend.

The movie is solid even if you don't like horse racing.  The performances are all universally good and the pacing is sharp even when the tone of the movie is slower.  I made Rob watch it because he had never seen it before and this type of squishy feel-good story appeals to me.  I knew he liked it because he kept asking if it had a sad ending, like I was setting him up to be crushed by the finale.  Since I generally hate sad endings on movies, I wouldn't do that it but it amuses me to think that he thinks I would.

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