Sunday, November 27, 2011

Zombie Strippers! (2008)

  I'm just going to come out and say it.

Zombie Strippers was a lot more political than I thought it would be.  Now, I don't give a shit about politics so don't look at this as a recommendation or a judgment.  I'm just saying that the movie has a decidedly Left bias.  Which is surprising because it's about strippers who turn into zombies.

Ok.  A biological weapon that can reanimate dead flesh is created in Nebraska.  Due to the weapon's manipulation of the X chromosome, woman-to-woman contact results in a more pure form than woman-to-man or man-to-man.  I.E. female zombies who can still retain brain function but still hunger for the flesh of the living.  A team of soldiers is brought in to the weapons facility to keep it from getting out.  One of the team gets bitten and runs to the nearest place to hide, an illegal strip club.  Kat (Jenna Jameson) is the star dancer and kind of a bitch until the soldier rips out her throat.  Then she's a zombie bitch.  And somehow a much better stripper.  Soon, the other girls are divided between retaining their humanity or getting bigger tips.

Honestly, I was just expecting a zombie comedy with boobs.  Instead there are a lot of discussions about existentialism, fear as a tool of governance, and even gender roles.  I might have to buy this one just so I can watch it again and find out what the hell people are talking about most of the time.

Apparently, this is making the rounds of late-night cable so you might actually get to see it for free.  I'm not saying don't watch it, I'm just saying forewarned is forearmed.

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