Sunday, April 10, 2016

Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)

Exodus2014Poster.jpg  And here we come to our second Christy pick for the month.

Moses (Christian Bale) has been raised as the second son of the pharaoh (John Tuturro) but discovers that he is actually a Hebrew foundling that had been saved from the last massacre.  His brother, Rameses (Joel Edgerton), fears Moses will usurp his throne and exiles him to the desert.  Moses makes his way to a small village, marries a beautiful local woman (Maria Valverde), and settles down.  But God (Isaac Andrews) is tired of seeing His chosen people toil as slaves and sends Moses a none-too-subtle message to go and lead them out of captivity.

Here's the thing.  This is a beautifully done film, with majesty and spectacle overflowing every frame.  But I grew up watching the Charlton Heston The Ten Commandments and nothing is ever going to come close for me.  I don't care how many stars you get, how huge your VFX budget is, or how many extras you have.  Nothing will ever top Cecil B. DeMille's opus.

That being sad, this is a really beautiful movie.  Ridley Scott knows epics and he pulled out all the stops.  The only problem I saw was the pacing.  The action builds, then lulls, then builds again.  It makes it feel very uneven and robs certain scenes of their full potential.  If you don't have the same kind of reverence for The Ten Commandments that I do, this might be the film for you.

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