I have been a fan of Tarsem since The Cell and certainly since The Fall. Granted, those are the only two films he's directed before this one but they were both awesome. Mirror, Mirror looks kind of awful but I'm sure it will still be beautiful because that's how Tarsem works. His art direction is flawless.
Even here, with his most subdued palette yet, the frames are crisp and burnished looking. It has the same basic colors as 300 but much more vivid. 300 could look a little muddy at times. Not here. Plus, our good friend the Bronze Bull is back for another appearance. He gets way more screen time this go-round than in Red Riding Hood. And much more historically accurate, as well.
Okay, so Theseus (Henry Cavill) is the lowest rung of society, a bastard born of rape. Shunned by his village, he grows up learning the art of a warrior from an old beggar (John Hurt) who turns out to be Zeus (Luke Evans) in disguise. Why is the King of the Gods spending a crapload of time with some poor bastard who lives in a trailer with his mom? Because Theseus is the only one who can save the world. (Also, because in most myths, he's the kid's uncle.) See, the gods promised not to interfere directly in the lives of men unless the Titans were released from their prison under Tartarus. A sybilline oracle named Phaedra (Frida Pinto) foresees that this will soon come to pass at the hands of Hyperion (Mickey Rourke), a king who has an axe to grind at the gods. Hyperion is looking for a weapon, the Epirus bow, which can open the prison. Now Theseus, a nobody, has to go up against the entire army with only help from a virgin oracle and a thief (Stephen Dorff, looking damn good for his age).
Is it accurate to the myths? Not even a little bit. Does that really matter here? Nope. The movie is action-packed without feeling rushed, the acting is good, the special effects are seamless, and the art direction is gorgeous. It's not an Oscar contender but it's still a great time and definitely on my "Buy" list.
Speaking of "buy", did everyone have a good Black Friday? I know I did. Rob and I have been on nights for the past month so it was nice to have the shops open on our schedule for once. I was expecting a lot more craziness but it looked like retailers finally had their shit together. No one got trampled, there were no fights over merchandise, and the check-out lines moved at a good clip. Almost disappointing in a way. Anyway, I found seasons 3-6 of Supernatural for $12 a pop at Best Buy. Merry Christmas to me! Yes, I also bought stuff for other people. Rob got a handful of blu-rays including Super 8. Here's hoping you got everything you wanted.
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